How many of you spend more than a fraction of your day dreaming of events otherwise unlikely to happen in real life. Well, I do. No, the content of these events dont have to be amorous. Infact, they DONT have to be.
I spend a large part of my mental energy dreaming of unlikely encounters, how I would respond to them, how this will make others feels etc. I think I was born with this weakness, coz I cant think of any time in my life when I didnt fall for this temptation. For a long time, I wasnt even aware of this. Hindu yogis warn that this can make me mentally weak & my will power will hit its bottom low. I try rescuing myself from this never ending surreal experience, but before I realize I have already gone too deep in this tar pit.
May be meditating more will help fix my mind more.
I feel exactly the same.
Have you ever had the experience of constructing a conversation you're about to have? Just to make sure you don't say something stupid or to be able to make it lead to some other topic.
Cycling on the road, thinking ~What would I do if someone wanted to buy the startup I'm working in for $N million~, ~What would I do when I earned $XM from my startup in two years?~, being among the more mundane and boring. ~What would I do if I met famous person X?~, ~What would I do if I were offered a one-way trip to the moon?~, ~What about a trip to the ISS?~. Each weirder and more pointless than the next.
I can do this for hours... End up tired, confused, and sure of only one thing - that I've wasted yet more of my life.
I've been pondering meditation too - if you get my drift.
Let's hope we get somewhere despite this. Or perhaps get a job where this is not a handicap but an advantage?
hmm long comment. But left overs must be served.
There is very little I've found that can kick me out of this spiral.
One, hard physical activity. Nothing like 2 hours of racketball, or shuttle.
Two, trekking with a 10-15kg pack and being in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Hmm, not sure whether that helps me void out more or less.
Three, when I'm in a state where I absolutely need to focus on the present if I have to stay alive -- accidents do that.
Four, .....
;) i got it... Yea as soon as the IIM guy stops sending me spam... and i can ask you the same question... :)
i actually got myself to do some posting!!!
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