As an author puts it, to say "I Love you", you have to recognize "I" . Spinoza, among other mysteries, confronts "where do we fit in?" in his most acclaimed work - Ethics. Nice questions, but where do these chaps get time to think of humanity ? I, for one, am too much concerned with myself. & Ironically enough, these are the same people who are driving me nuts.
This interview gave me goosebumps. The extent of imagination & thought that this scientist has is overwhelming. Rob Carlson, an EE deptt. Prof. at U. Wash religiously writes his personal blog to discuss almost everything related to Biology & industry.
& when I see these stalwarts through my small eyes, I am all set to be haunted by a single question - "Where do I fit in ?". In the world that has already seen greatest of the greats, where does a simple man with big dreams ends up ?
& more pertinent, where does a simple man with big dreams who ponders "where he fits in ?" ends up ?
An asylum, may be ??